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Amazing Herbs To Cure Brain Cancer

By On 02/07/2020 at 12:40


Overview Of Brain Cancer

Brain cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs at the level of the brain or spinal cord.  The brain, like other tissues in the body, is made up of individual cells, much smaller than pinpoints, and requires a microscope to see them. These cells are the smallest units that compose the brain, and there are many different types. The brain is made up of any cells that make up the brain.

Brain cancer starts in just one cell. As the cell makes more and more copies of itself, it forms a tumor (meaning swollen). The benign tumor stays where it started, although it can get very large and press on the critical areas. In contrast, malignant tumors have the potential to spread, and are then called "brain cancer." “Primary” brain cancer begins in the brain, and this is the main topic of the transcript. In contrast, "secondary" brain cancer starts in some other organ (such as the lungs or breast) and then spreads to the brain. This is called "brain metastasis".

The following are the most common types of metastasis to that part of the body:





Do you know the symptoms of brain cancer?

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People with brain tumors can be therapeutic or asymptomatic. Sometimes, their symptoms may be due to another medical condition. Signs of brain cancer can be normal, which is a challenging part of the diagnosis, or more accurately, indicate a brain tumor.




Let's look at the General Symptoms 

  • Headache.

Get headaches? Here's five things to eat or avoid

 One of the most common symptoms of brain cancer is a headache. They can be intense in intensity and deteriorate on activity. Sometimes, they are unbearable in the early morning.


  • Attacks

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Seizures are another sign of a possible brain tumor. They can be presented in a variety of styles. The two most common ones are myoclonic and tonic-clonic (grand mal). Myoclonic shock is present as muscle twitches, spasms, or jerks. They can be single or multiple. Tonic-clonic attacks are more intense. Violent contractions lead to loss of consciousness and muscle tone. They can lead to apnea for more than thirty seconds, causing discoloration of the blue skin. A person experiencing a tonic-clonic attack may also lose control of their body functions, such as the bladder. There are two more types of sensory or complex partial shock.


Other common symptoms include some of the following:

  • Fatigue, nausea, and vomiting
  • Personality changes
  • Memory varies
  • Sleep disorders







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We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots, and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use of cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.



What are the risk factors for brain cancer?

Risk factors are specific behaviors, characteristics, or events that can increase the likelihood of disease. Cancer is related to heredity and lifestyle. Brain and CNS Below are some of the most well-established risk factors for cancer.

  • Age. Brain tumors are more prevalent in the extremes of age. Therefore, children or the elderly are more likely to be presented with CNS. Cancer, when people of different age groups are compared.
  • Sex. Generally speaking, male sex is more susceptible to brain cancer than females. However, this is not the rule. Certain types of brain tumors, such as meningiomas, are more common in women.
  • Race and gender. Statistics vary according to your gender, ethnicity, and geographical division. Compared to black people, the U.S. In white people develops gliomas. However, the latter group has more chances of being presented with meningioma. Accordingly, Japanese people are less likely to develop brain cancer than North Europeans.
  • Exposure to chemicals. Some compounds affect the brain and other CNS. Tumors are more likely to develop. For example, some studies suggest that dietary N-nitroso compounds increase the risk of developing the disease.
  • Family history. Approximately 5% of all cases of brain cancer appear in people with the following hereditary conditions:
    1. Li-Freumen's syndrome
    2. Neurofibromatosis
    3. Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
    4. Tuberculosis sclerosis
    5. Turcot syndrome
    6. Von Hippel-Lindau disease
  • Head injury. Some studies suggest a relationship between head trauma and the development of meningiomas. Not the same for gliomas. More research is needed.
  • Attacks. Scientists and researchers have linked the history of seizures to the possibility of developing brain tumors. However, another way around is also possible. Some brain tumors eventually concussion. Scientists are not sure which theory is more accurate or if anti-seizure medication also plays a role.
  • Exposure to viruses and pathogens. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) are both specific types of brain and CNS. The risk of tumors seems to be higher. Other pathogens have also been implicated in animal studies. Other research found that skin allergies and conditions with glioma had a lower risk.
  • Ionizing radiation. Therapeutic ionizing radiation, including X-rays, can be applied to the brain and CNS. Is a risk factor for tumors.
  • Electromagnetic fields. Although there is no correlation between the risk of developing brain cancer in the electromagnetic field and its development in adults, these data about children are inconclusive.




Treatment options for brain cancer

Your treatment depends on the stage of your disease, your medical history, and your overall health and comorbidities. After receiving a positive diagnosis of brain cancer, you and your physician will have to choose one or a combination of the following therapeutic methods.




Do You Know Budwig Anti-Cancer Protocol?

The Budwig protocol consists of two phases. The first is an all-natural, a combination of quark/cottage cheese omega-XNMX fat protein-sulfur from flaxseed. Dr. Budwig discovered that the body would synthesize omega-XNMX from flaxseed oil, in the amount it needs. "Without these fatty acids, respiratory enzymes cannot function and suffocation occurs even when a person is given oxygen-rich air.

This protocol is usually ingested orally, but in most terminal cases d Bud. Budwig administered flaxseed oil in the form of an enema. The second part of the Budwig method includes a special diet. Patients are recommended to follow the protocol for at least 6 months regardless of symptoms.



Let's Look At The Medicine 


  • 1 cup pure quark cheese (make sure it is not made from homogeneous milk)
  • 2-5 teaspoons of flaxseed oil, about 10 supplemental capsules or 1-3 teaspoons of fresh ground flax seeds (note that flax oil or ground seeds should be used immediately after exposure to air).
  • A little cayenne

The drug is properly combined and taken orally at least once daily. It should be shaken with a wooden spoon and never with metal.


Best Diet For Your Treatment  

  • Stay away from sugar
  • Add grape juice to sweeten any other freshly squeezed juice
  • Avoid pure animal fats, such as fatty, fatback, dripping, etc.
  • Do not use any commercial salad dressings or toppings
  • Never consume commercial mayonnaise
  • Avoid meats if they are not organic and range-fed
  • Avoid butter and margarine
  • Drink freshly squeezed vegetable juice with carrots, celery, and red lettuce.
  • Drink a cup of hot tea three times daily, such as peppermint, rosehip, or grape tea. Use natural sweeteners like honey.
  • Avoid all artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and high-fructose corn syrup)
  • Follow a chemical-free diet
  • Avoid all processed foods
  • Reduce the use of all pharmaceuticals
  • Don't drink soft drinks
  • Avoid tap water and use products that do not contain fluoride
  • Eat only freshly prepared food


Extra Tips That Would Help Fight Against Brain Cancer 

  • Use flaxseed oil that is protected from air, heat, and light. It should be cold-pressed and organic
  • Avoid fish oils and fluxes of omega-XNMX fatty acids
  • Avoid all hydrogenated oils
  • Supplement with chlorophyll
  • Drink green drinks on a regular basis to ensure proper nutrition
  • Take vitamin C daily, but not more than 5 grams per day, as large doses can cause kidney stress
  • Avoid sunscreen and cosmetics
  • Avoid white bread, white rice, white sugar, white salt, white flour and anything else that contains chlorine compounds
  • Avoid "table" salt and use natural salt instead (Celtic, Himalayan or Redmond "real salt")
  • Find safe alternatives to common soaps, bleaches, and detergents at health food stores 
  • Avoid soy products, canola oil, corn oil, etc.
  • Take one teaspoon of cold-pressed organic coconut oil daily
  • Use oxygen drink several times daily 





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