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Ovarian cancer stages 722x406


stephany Par Le 04/05/2020 à 19:19

Dans infertilité féminine



Ovarian cancer is the most common and difficult to treat cancer among female cancers. Ovarian cancer develops in 1 or 2 out of 100 women throughout life. Ovarian cancer is usually very advanced when diagnosed, and therefore the treatment process is more challenging than many types of cancer. For this reason, as in all other cancers, early diagnosis is very important in terms of treatment success. Ovarian cancer, which constitutes 4% of all cancers among women, can be seen after menopause and can occur at any age.


What is ovarian cancer?

Genetic Testing for Ovarian Cancer Patients is Underused

Ovarian cancer is usually very advanced when diagnosed, and therefore the treatment process is more challenging than many types of cancer. For this reason, as in all other cancers, early diagnosis is very important in terms of treatment success. Ovarian cancer, which constitutes 4% of all cancers among women, can be seen after menopause and can occur at any age.




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We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


IF YOU ARE A VICTI¨M OF CANCER, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! Click here to discover the product against ovarian cancer

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What are the types?

The cell from which the cancer begins determines the type of ovarian cancer. Types of ovarian cancer include:

  • Epithelial tumors begin in the thin tissue layer that covers the outside of the ovaries. 90 percent of ovarian cancers are epithelial tumors.
  • Stromal tumors begin in the ovarian tissue containing hormones that produce hormones . These tumors are usually diagnosed at an earlier stage than other ovarian tumors. 7 percent of ovarian tumors are stromal.
  • Germ cell tumors begin in Egg producing cells. These rare ovarian cancers are more common in women of young age. .


Causes of Ovarian Cancer

Although the causes of ovarian cancer are not known very well, it can be mentioned that some risk factors cause this disease. Genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors may be among the causes of ovarian cancers . We can list the causes of ovarian cancer as follows;

  • Those who have breast or ovarian cancer in their family have an increased risk.
  • Changes in some genes in recent years have increased the risk of ovarian cancer.
  • The risk of ovarian cancer increases in those who use ovulation enhancing drugs.
  • Using a pill reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.
  • The risk of ovarian cancer is higher in those who have never conceived. The risk decreases in those giving birth.



Ovarian cancer symptoms mostly do not show much. Although most of the symptoms related to ovarian cancer are specific to the patient, there is no typical finding. It can be said as symptoms of ovarian cancer and many symptoms; abdominal pain, bloating and stomach disorders can be listed.

In the advanced stages of ovarian cancer, urinary and intestinal complaints are observed due to the mass in the abdomen, the feeling of downward pressure, fluid accumulation in the abdomen, abdominal swelling and pressure on the surrounding organs.

Hormone irregularities may occur in some types of ovarian cancer. Accordingly, menstrual irregularities, hair growth with male hormone secretion, male pattern hair loss can be seen. Most ovarian cancer complaints are about abdominal swelling.   

We can list the general symptoms of ovarian cancer as follows;

  • Change in bowel habits, especially the appearance of constipation,
  • Change in bladder habits, needing to urinate frequently,
  • Loss of appetite or a feeling of fullness quickly,
  • Vaginal bleeding,
  • Weight loss,
  • Feeling of pressure and bloating in the abdomen,
  • Fullness or pain in the groin,
  • Prolonged indigestion, gas or nausea.


How is the diagnosis made?

Pelvis Examination

Your doctor will most likely start with a pelvic exam.

  • The outer part of your genital organ is carefully examined.
  • The doctor then inserts two gloved fingers into the vagina and simultaneously presses on your abdomen with one hand to feel the uterus and ovary.
  • A device (speculum) is inserted into the vagina so that the doctor can visually check for abnormalities.

Your doctor may recommend the following:

  • Imaging tests. Like ultrasonographic or CT scans of your abdomen and pelvis. These tests can help determine the size, shape, and structure of your ovaries.
  • Blood test . it can detect a protein (CA 125) located on the surface of ovarian cancer cells.
  • Surgical intervention. to take a tissue sample and abdominal fluid to confirm the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Minimally invasive or robotic surgery may be an option. If cancer is detected, the surgeon can begin surgery immediately to get as much cancer as possible.



Ovarian Cancer Stages


It is very important at which stage it is diagnosed in the treatment of ovarian cancer. It is necessary to know if the cancer has spread from your ovary around and to the surrounding organs. Staging in ovarian cancers is determined based on the extent of cancer spread.

Stage 1: Cancer is in one or both ovaries, but only in the ovary.

Stage 1a: Cancer is limited in an ovary and inside the ovary.

Stage 1b: Cancer is in both ovaries, but still limited in the ovaries.

Stage 1c: Cancer is in one or two ovaries, but has also gone beyond the ovary border. A tumoral cyst on the ovary burst, or cancer cells were found in the fluid inside the abdomen.

Stage 2: Cancer has spread to other organs in the area called pelvis and surrounded by pelvic bones.

Stage 2a: Cancer has spread to the uterus, tubes, or both.

Stage 2b: Cancer has spread to the bladder or large intestine.

Stage 2c: Cancer did any of the spreads in 2a and 2b. Also, the cancer has gone beyond the ovarian border, a tumoral cyst on the ovary has burst, or cancer cells have been found in the fluid inside the abdomen.

Stage 3: The cancer has spread into the abdomen or has held the lymph nodes.

Stage 3a: Cancer cells spread throughout the abdomen but are in small foci that can only be seen under a microscope.

Stage 3b: Cancer cells spread throughout the abdomen, but their size is less than 2 centimeters.

Stage 3c: Cancer cells spread throughout the abdomen and are larger than 2 centimeters or spread to the lymph nodes, or both conditions exist.

Stage 4: Cancer has also spread to the liver, lungs or other distant organs.


What can be done to prevent?

There is no precise method to prevent ovarian cancer. However, some of the factors associated with low risk are as follows:

  • Oral contraceptive use, especially for more than 10 years
  • Being pregnant before
  • Breastfeeding history
  • Daily aspirin use


Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors

It is difficult to identify a risk group. Approximately 5-10 percent of ovarian cancers occur for genetic reasons. Therefore, healthy women who have breast, ovarian and intrauterine cancer in their first-degree relatives are at risk for ovarian cancer. 


Treatment Methods

The first treatment of ovarian cancer is surgical treatment. In other words, patients are treated with surgery first. The response of the disease to treatment is directly related to the adequacy of the first operation. With the removal of the tumor in the early stages of the disease, an operation called staging surgery is performed.

In later periods, tumors in the abdominal cavity are removed with a comprehensive surgery. It may also be possible to remove the pieces of intestine during the surgery, if necessary. After the operation, all patients except the very early period are treated with medication called chemotherapy. In other words, drug treatment is applied in a significant part of ovarian cancer treatment.

The response of the disease to treatment is directly related to the extent of the tumor. With the treatment, early diseases recover 80-90 percent, while advanced diseases recover around 40-50 percent. After surgery and chemotherapy, patients are checked with examinations and examinations every 4-5 months for many years. When the disease recurs, treatments should be repeated. Sometimes it may even be necessary to repeat surgeries 2 to 4 times.





  • Foods containing vitamins A, C, E and zinc and selenium minerals are strong in antioxidants. Eating these foods strengthens the immune system.
  • Omega 3 foods such as walnuts, fish, almonds and hazelnuts should be consumed regularly.
  • Dried legumes are a source of protein, zinc, selenium and vitamin E. It is useful to take it with meals 1-2 times a week.
  • Eating 5 servings of vegetables and fruits a day will increase energy.
  • If the shelled fruit is eaten without peeling, it contributes to the intestinal activities.
  • It is absolutely necessary to drink 1.5 liters of water every day.


IF YOU ARE A VICTI¨M OF CANCER, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! Click here to discover the product against ovarian cancer

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