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home remedy for premature ejaculation



Par Le 27/04/2020



The problem of premature ejaculation, one of the biggest nightmares of sexual life. 

This issue is highly controversial and based on misjudgment. Especially in young men or men who have just started sexual intercourse, pre-intercourse masturbation can be recommended to eliminate the excitement in the first relationship. In this case, contrary to popular belief, masturbation is one of the factors preventing premature ejaculation. However, frequent masturbation may cause ejaculation, in other words, ejaculation problem, especially if there is a psychological and genetic predisposition. The situation referred to here as the genetic predisposition is the changes in receptor and penile skin sensitivity, which plays the basis of the primary premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation ranks first among male sexual problems. Almost a third of men experience premature ejaculation. In the remaining two thirds, this problem can occur in a certain period of their lives. According to a study among 7 thousand men in the USA, 70 percent of men have problems with premature ejaculation. One fifth of these men stated that they had ejaculation in the first minute of the relationship and 62 percent stated that they had ejaculation in 1-5 minutes.




natural tea for early ejaculaton

The natural treatment that we offer to permanently cure sexual weakness is essentially composed of natural herbal teas. It is an effective, fast and lasting natural remedy which makes it possible to last long in bed before ejaculation. Its effect is rapid and permanent, you only have to follow the treatment to end your sexual weakness. It contains herbs whose active ingredients are aimed at eliminating the anxiety you feel before and during sex. This natural remedy is the secret to last longer during your sexual intercourse. Since premature ejaculation can be caused by psychological factors such as stress, depression, relationship issues or performance-related anxiety, this plant contains antispasmodic, antiseptic and diuretic properties to combat these issues. It can also be due to physical causes, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid problems or prostate disease.


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Masturbation is when an individual stimulates their genitals for sexual pleasure, which may or may not lead to orgasm.





There’s no reported link between excessive masturbation and premature ejaculation. In fact, the more time has passed since your last orgasm, the more difficult it will be to control your ejaculation. So, a high masturbation frequency could actually help you last longer. However, the way you masturbate could play a role in premature ejaculation evolution. If you always masturbate quickly, you can develop a quick ejaculation reflex and lose some ejaculation control. Too much masturbation can also rigger premature ejaculation. You may have problems with sexual intercourse, especially if you are masturbating from a young age. 

Because when you learn to satisfy yourself, the only goal becomes satisfaction. Hence, when this is a habit you only think of ejaculation and ejaculate early during sexual intercourse.





The key to last longer in bed is to learn how to modulate your arousal level, so you don’t come quickly. To achieve this with a partner, you first need to master it alone during masturbation. That’s why it’s important to take your time when you masturbate. You need to be able to slow down your arousal level before reaching your climax point.


Excessive Masturbation To Premature Ejaculation | Men's Health FAQ's

Why does too much masturbation result in early ejaculation?

Excessive masturbation may leads to the damage of nerves supplying penis..which in future leads to erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.


RELATED ARTICLE> Erectile dysfunction: 3 remedies to help





Nikhil age 32 yrs, was married since two and half years. 

Since the beginning of the marriage, he was suffering from weakness and premature ejaculation. Due to this, he started avoiding sex. 

Shalini was disturbed. She had face to face conversation on this to Nikhil but Nikhil avoided it. Today Shalini first booked my appointment and then convinced Nikhil to visit my clinic. She accompanied him to my clinic.

When I started taking case history I felt Nikhil was not opening up, so I asked Shalini to wait outside and then Nikhil opened up.

"Doctor I truly discovered porn around the age of 14. It started with magazines, then eventually I got my own computer and it went from there. Once I moved out to a hostel for my studies at 18, I had a LOT of porn saved up. On average, I’d look at porn at least 3 times per day minimum. Some days I’d easily have hours of porn viewed in a single day and I would masturbate twice a day if not three or four times. There were days where I’d do it so much I could no longer arouse myself and rather stay in front of the screen watching the content while still trying to get myself up. Somehow I even got a girlfriend but my sex drive was so high that even at best we’d have sex daily, and still, I’d go home and get off to porn."

During the physical examination, I felt tremendous weakness in his penis. This was expected considering his excessive habit of masturbation.


Although the primary symptom is quick ejaculation, there are certain secondary signs as well which could be:

1. Inability to delay ejaculation either during intercourse or even masturbation which may be due to physiological factors.

2. Usually ejaculating a minute or so after penetration and without climaxing.

3. Avoiding sexual intimacy brought on by the fear of non-performance due to quick ejaculation.


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Par Le 27/04/2020

Although premature ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction in men at 50%, there is still no clear definition.


What is premature ejaculation?

In the following years, many definitions were brought about the subject. Today, we can summarize the definitions for premature ejaculation as follows:

“ Ejaculation that occurs approximately 1 minute after vaginal penetration at all times or in most relationships. "

“The ejaculation, that is, ejaculation, cannot be delayed after the vaginal peteration or until the vaginal penetration .”

" The failure of both partners to control ejaculation enough to enjoy sexual intercourse ."



Are women experiencing premature ejaculation problems?

Premature ejaculation is also a condition observed in women. However, premature ejaculation does not cause as much a problem for women as it is for men, as women can reach repeated orgasms in terms of physiology. In men, ejaculation is a more troublesome situation, since a certain time is required for erection and ejaculation after ejaculation.   



Natural treatment for early ejaculation

The natural treatment that we offer to permanently cure sexual weakness is essentially composed of natural herbal teas. It is an effective, fast and lasting natural remedy which makes it possible to last long in bed before ejaculation. Its effect is rapid and permanent, you only have to follow the treatment to end your sexual weakness. It contains herbs whose active ingredients are aimed at eliminating the anxiety you feel before and during sex. This natural remedy is the secret to last longer during your sexual intercourse. Since premature ejaculation can be caused by psychological factors such as stress, depression, relationship issues or performance-related anxiety, this plant contains antispasmodic, antiseptic and diuretic properties to combat these issues. It can also be due to physical causes, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid problems or prostate disease.


To get this product for prostatitis, click here

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How common is the problem of premature ejaculation in men?

The problem of premature ejaculation in men is the most common among sexual problems. Approximately 20% of Turkish men experience premature ejaculation.  Premature ejaculation is a sex problem that men fear. This problem can occur in any man both young and old. According to the results of a survey titled 'Sex In America' reported by Psychology Today, premature ejaculation was experienced by 28 percent of men under the age of 50 years, 16 percent of men aged 50 to early 60 years, 23 percent from ages 65-74 years and 33 percent above 75 year.



What are the types of premature ejaculation?

  • Lifelong premature ejaculation: The problem of premature ejaculation that begins with the first sexual activity and lasts a lifetime. It is also called primary premature ejaculation.
  • Acquired premature ejaculation: A normal ejaculation, or ejaculation, occurs when sexual intercourse first begins. It is the problem of premature ejaculation experienced as a result of any problems experienced later. 
  • Variable premature ejaculation: While the person experiences premature ejaculation from time to time, they also experience normal ejaculation from time to time. 
  • Sensory variable premature ejaculation: There are cultural or abnormal psychological conditions. While the person does not actually experience premature ejaculation, they do not have to worry about premature ejaculation. 


Does circumcision cause premature ejaculation?

Baby Circumcision: Benefits, Risks, and What to Expect

There is a false belief in the society that circumcision causes premature ejaculation. However, studies reveal that circumcision does not cause premature ejaculation, but has the opposite effect. There are also studies that removing or cutting the foreskin can be used as a treatment method in premature ejaculation. On the other hand, there are publications regarding the decreased sensitivity of circumcised men in studies conducted with circumcised and uncircumcised men.

In short, the relationship between circumcision and premature ejaculation is still a more controversial issue; however, it is generally accepted that circumcision does not cause premature ejaculation.


Can impotence cause premature ejaculation?

Problems of premature ejaculation and impotence can often confuse each other. It is understood that many patients who applied with impotent complaints actually experienced premature ejaculation after detailed examination. Depending on male physiology, it is necessary to have a certain time for erection and ejaculation or orgasm after orgasm. Repeated orgasms are observed in young men around 30%, while only 30% over 30 years. As a result, due to the difficulty in re-erection due to premature ejaculation and male physiology, a person can define himself as impotent. In order to reveal the difference, the doctor must make a good inquiry. Sometimes impotence and premature ejaculation can occur at the same time. In such cases, the problem of impotence must be treated first.


What are the diseases that cause premature ejaculation?

Sexual problem, thyroid hormone disorder, prostate disorders, stress and besides;

Diabetes: In patients with diabetes, especially the erection problem carrying blood to the penis is affected. However, the effect of diabetes on penile nerves suggests that it will play a role in premature ejaculation.

Testosterone hormone disorders: Testosterone hormone deficiency causes premature ejaculation. On the other hand, in some studies, there are also opinions that low testosterone causes mainly late ejaculation or absence of orgasm.

Pituitary gland diseases: There are several studies with problems in the pituitary gland that can cause premature ejaculation; however, the results are not clear. However, it is clearly known that people with hypertroidism have premature ejaculation.

Varicocele: There are various opinions that varicocele can lead to premature ejaculation.




Is frequent masturbation the reason for premature ejaculation?

In this case, contrary to popular belief, masturbation is one of the factors preventing premature ejaculation. However, frequent masturbation may cause ejaculation, in other words, ejaculation problem, especially if there is a psychological and genetic predisposition. The situation referred to here as the genetic predisposition is the changes in receptor and penile skin sensitivity, which plays the basis of the primary premature ejaculation.





Is alcohol use a reason for premature ejaculation?

Due to its stimulating effect, low dose of alcohol may be recommended to prevent premature ejaculation. However, when high doses of alcohol consumption are reached, problems preventing erection can be seen in this case.


RELATED ARTICLE: Erectile dysfunction: 3 remedies to help



How is the treatment of premature ejaculation?


Various methods are used in the treatment of premature ejaculation. Depending on the patient's condition, one or more of these treatments can be used in combination at the same time.

1-Drug treatment: 

Best drugs for premature ejaculation treatment (PE) - ED Means

Drugs intended for premature ejaculation have also been developed, similar to those that provide erection, that is, those that resolve the erectile problem, used in sexual dysfunction. Dapoxetine should be taken 1-3 hours before sexual intercourse.

2-Exercise and sports: 

What sports are recommended for PE (premature ejaculation)? - Quora

In the treatment of premature ejaculation, exercises that run the pelvic muscles are used. Kegel exercise is the most common exercise method. It can be defined as a urine retention exercise with breech muscles. Kegel exercises, which are urinary incontinent and also used in children, women and men, can be performed around the clock. The muscles that provide urine retention are the muscles that work with the muscles that prevent ejaculation. It is aimed to strengthen these muscle structures with exercises. During the sexual intercourse, when the person feels that he will empty, he will contract his muscles in this area to ensure the contraction of the muscle structure in the bladder neck and control the emptying. Kegel exercise is one of the effective treatment methods against premature ejaculation.

Apart from Kegel exercises, fitness and similar sports that operate the pelvic floor muscles are also useful in preventing premature ejaculation.

3-Creams and gels: 

Lidocaine Cream vs. Spray for Premature Ejaculation

Local anesthetic creams and gels, defined as topical agents, can be prevented from premature ejaculation. The most important advantage of gels and creams applied to the penis head and foreskin is that they are local applications and have no systemic side effects. However, creams and gels can prevent the feeling of orgasms in women and men according to the amount of use. Especially the bad smell of the gels used can create an unpleasant environment during intercourse.


Premature Ejaculation Condoms Review - Premature Ejaculation Help

Condoms are one of the treatment methods used to prevent premature ejaculation as they reduce the sense of sensation during intercourse. More than one condom can be used for this, as well as local anesthetic condoms.

5-Sex therapies: 

Sex Therapy, Your Sexual Health, and Healthy Sex: What to Know ...

One of the effective methods in the treatment of premature ejaculation is sex therapies. Collaborating with psychiatrists is among the treatment methods that can yield useful results. Keeping the foreplay period as long as possible; As soon as the feeling of ejaculation is felt, methods such as changing the position of the partners can be applied.


Is there a herbal treatment for premature ejaculation?

The nutrients consumed can be used to provide erections, increase sperm count or improve sperm quality. HERBAL TREATMENT HAVE PROVEN THERE EFFECTIVENESS IN TREATING PREMATURE EJACULATION!


Can the treated premature ejaculation recur?

When the underlying condition is treated, the problem of premature ejaculation usually improves. Treatment of premature ejaculation is usually situational, as the patient group based on the organic problem is very few. As soon as the drug is used, premature ejaculation disappears. When the drug is stopped, premature ejaculation may come back.



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HOW DOES Premature ejaculation AFFECT sexual life?

Par Le 27/04/2020

Herbal solutions to premature ejaculation


Premature ejaculation is a problem that negatively affects the sexual life of couples. If you are looking for herbal solutions for premature ejaculation, this article is for you, you can get rid of premature ejaculation problem with herbal solutions that are good for early ejaculation.

How to permanently cure premature ejaculation | Medsvilla

Is sexual intercourse turned into more stress than pleasure? are you afraid of premature ejaculation? is your partner disturbed by this situation, do you feel inadequate, did your relationship come to an end point, couldn't you find a solution to prevent premature ejaculation, cannot control premature ejaculation?

One of the most important reasons of premature ejaculation is stress. Premature ejaculation occurs in 70% of men, and sexuality ends with premature ejaculation. For a healthy sex, men need to control the problem of premature ejaculation. Here are herbal treatment methods for premature ejaculation.





The natural treatment that we offer to permanently cure sexual weakness is essentially composed of natural herbal teas. It is an effective, fast and lasting natural remedy which makes it possible to last long in bed before ejaculation. Its effect is rapid and permanent, you only have to follow the treatment to end your sexual weakness. It contains herbs whose active ingredients are aimed at eliminating the anxiety you feel before and during sex. This natural remedy is the secret to last longer during your sexual intercourse. Since premature ejaculation can be caused by psychological factors such as stress, depression, relationship issues or performance-related anxiety, this plant contains antispasmodic, antiseptic and diuretic properties to combat these issues. It can also be due to physical causes, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid problems or prostate disease.


To get this product for prostatitis, click here

Contact/Whatsapp: +22990431725






  • Scallion

What Are Scallions and How Are They Used in Recipes?

Green onion seeds have an aphrodisiac effect. Thus, it increases sexual desire and controls early ejaculation.

  Add 1 tablespoon of green onion seeds to a glass of water. Stir well and drink before meals. This mixture will control premature ejaculation and increase your sexual power. In addition, consuming white onions every day will be a solution to your problem.


  • Ginger

8 Health Benefits of Ginger - Uses for Fresh and Dried Ginger
Ginger increases body temperature and relaxes blood circulation. Ginger increases blood flow to the penis, providing long-term erection and late ejaculation.
Add half a teaspoon of ginger and half a teaspoon of honey to 1 cup of warm milk, you can drink it every night before going to bed.


  • Carnation

Wood, Moss, Carnation Centerpieces | Idée mariage rustique, Deco ...

Carnation is a plant that benefits both stress and premature ejaculation. Since it is a root and woody plant, you should drink it by boiling.


  • Black seed

6 Benefits You Should Know About Black Seed Oil

Nigella or black seed oil are important herbs that support premature ejaculation treatment. The use of cold press black seed oil takes effect immediately.


  •  Carrot


Chop 2 carrots and add half a boiled egg and 1 tablespoon of honey. Your problem of premature ejaculation will pass within 3 months, when your premature ejaculation problem decreases, reduce the consumption of this cycle.


  • Okra

Dried Okra Powder – 3kg/6.613lbs – JustDryFoods

Okra powder is a herbal remedy for premature ejaculation. Add 10 grams of okra powder to a glass of warm milk and add 2 teaspoons of sugar in it and drink it every night. Continuing this drink for 1 month will make your problem of premature ejaculation surprisingly and quickly.


  • Cakiru Grass

Canary Grass | Shepherd Seeds

Add 3 tablespoons of gingrass to 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Drink the brewed tea during the day. If you wish, you can add honey and lemon in it.


  • Asparagus root

Shatavari Veru, Raw Shatavari Roots, Asparagus roots - Buy Online ...

One of the effective herbs for premature ejaculation is asparagus root. Put 20 grams of asparagus root in 1 cup of milk and boil. Strain the milk and drink 2 times a day.


  • Galangal

Can You Freeze Galangal? - The Best Way - Foods Guy

The galangal plant is found in the form of root or powdered transfers. You can make a paste with honey or eat tea by boiling its roots. It is a very important plant in the treatment of premature ejaculation.


  • Besbase

Besbase (Muskat - Küçük Hindistan Cevizi) Özellikleri ve Fay

It will be very useful for the treatment of premature ejaculation by swallowing up to 10 grams by putting it into a paste shape alone or together with clove buds.


  • Catnip

"Lemon" Catnip plant (Nepeta cataria citriodora)

boil 6 catnip leaves for two minutes and when Ili. Your body will relax nervously and prevent your premature ejaculation problem.


  • Radish seeds

Amazing Health Benefits Of Radish Seeds - Alwosta Blog: Benefits ...

To yield 200 grams of a paste mixed with 100g of honey and radish seeds. Eating a coffee spoon both in the morning and in the evening will affect your sexual performance and will have sexual intercourse for a longer time and save you from the problem of premature ejaculation.


  • St. John's Wort tea

6 Incredible Benefits of St John's Wort Tea | Organic Facts


The teas of melissa and St. John's Wort flowers have an anti-ejaculation effect. The teas of these flowers will both create a relaxing effect on your body and help you have more successful processes in terms of sexual performance.




  • Banana, honey, walnut

Oatmeal with banana, honey and walnuts for breakfast — Stock Photo ...

Banana is a fruit rich in both magnesium and happiness hormone endorphine. However, those who want to maximize the aphrodisiac effect can eat banana with honey and walnuts.



  • Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts

Crunchy Medley (Roasted cashews, baked almonds, hazelnuts) 200g ...

​Almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts are among the most important aphrodisiacs due to their sexual desire-enhancing effect of unsaturated fatty acids. It is important not to eat more than 8 pieces per day in terms of calories. These spices, which affect people with cinnamon and vanilla scent, increase the sexual desire by affecting the central nervous system.



  • Strawberry

Strawberry dictionary definition | strawberry defined

​Aphrodisiac is the first strawberry that comes to mind when it comes to fruits, and the vitamins in its content increase sexual desire as it accelerates the blood circulation to the genitals. 

It also provides the release of strawberry endorphins and serotonin. It has been scientifically proven that the chemical substance 'Phenylethylamine' in the content of Chocolate Chocolate gives people a feeling of happiness. This feeling of happiness also reveals that it increases sexual excitement.


  • Fruit juices

orange juice health vitamin C carotenoids fruit juice

For an active sex life, consuming juices containing plenty of vitamin A and magnesium is essential for the sexual activity of the body.


  • Ginseng

Tout ce que vous devez savoir avant d'acheter du ginseng - Natura ...
It is a root used in China and South America to increase sexual potency. It has started to be used as a natural retarder. According to studies, it has been revealed that ginseng increases sexual desire and intercourse capacity. In addition to its sexual desire enhancing effect, it also increases pleasure from sex. While Ginseng shows its effect through the nervous system and ovaries, it can also affect the blood vessels coming to the penis area and increase the quality of erection in men.


  • Honey and menthol

The Health Benefits of Honey are amazing and we take a look at them.

Honey and menthol are mixed, rubbed into the penis 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. This mixture will allow the man to harden more easily and to ejaculate late. Both you and your partner will enjoy more sex with the refreshing coolness in menthol.



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17 Herbal Solutions to delay Ejaculation Naturally

Par Le 27/04/2020

Premature ejaculation is not a disease, but an incompatibility that occurs during sexual intercourse. According to the researches, the ejaculation times of men and women are the same. The man with easy orgasm under this period experiences a serious incompatibility with the woman with late orgasm over this period.




natural remedy for early ejaculation

The natural treatment that we offer to permanently cure sexual weakness is essentially composed of natural herbal teas. It is an effective, fast and lasting natural remedy which makes it possible to last long in bed before ejaculation. Its effect is rapid and permanent, you only have to follow the treatment to end your sexual weakness. It contains herbs whose active ingredients are aimed at eliminating the anxiety you feel before and during sex. This natural remedy is the secret to last longer during your sexual intercourse. Since premature ejaculation can be caused by psychological factors such as stress, depression, relationship issues or performance-related anxiety, this plant contains antispasmodic, antiseptic and diuretic properties to combat these issues. It can also be due to physical causes, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid problems or prostate disease.



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Individuals experiencing premature ejaculation fall into 3 different categories. These categories are;


1. Advanced Premature Ejaculation

It is called ejaculation, which occurs without a sexual intercourse yet.

2. Moderate Premature Ejaculation

It is called ejaculation that occurs 1 minute or earlier after starting sexual intercourse.

3. Premature Ejaculation

It is the ejaculation between 1 and 5 minutes after starting sexual intercourse.


Top 15 Most Effective Causes of Premature Ejaculation

People wonder what came about this premature ejaculation. 

So, what are the factors that cause premature ejaculation? The following cases are among the main factors in the individual's problem of premature ejaculation.

  1. Getting excited during sexual intercourse
  2. Male partner's willingness during sexual intercourse
  3. Stress
  4. Sexual reluctance of the partner
  5. Anxiety and nervousness
  6. Fear of failure related to sexual intercourse
  7. The person who has not had sexual intercourse for a long time will ejaculate earlier the normal afterwards
  8. Acceleration of commuting during sexual intercourse
  9. Concern that there will be erection problems
  10. Aging
  11. Watching too many sexual videos
  12. Inexperience in terms of sexual intercourse
  13. Excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption
  14. Excessive masturbation
  15. Lack of nutrition


Natural Remedy for Early Ejaculation Caused by Stress


Stress is a popular reason why most men experience rapid ejaculation during sexual intercourse. For this reason, first of all, the stress should be reduced. One should consume natural foods to reduce stress. 


Here are some home remedies to help you reduce stress and last longer in bed:


1. Banana

Fresh Natural Grown Cavendish Bananas from Carribean - 1Kg by ...
Banana provides more secretion of the happiness hormone (Serotonin) in the brain, thereby reducing stress. At the same time avocado and fig sees the same task. If you want to maximize premature ejaculation in sexual intercourse, pay attention to banana consumption.

2. Fish

Boy, 11, Dies Suddenly From Suspected Allergic Reaction to Smell ...
In omega-3 contained fish is another nutrient that reduces stress, whether happiness or anxiety. To prevent premature ejaculation, experts recommend consuming fish at least 2 times a week.

3. Carrot

Stress-reducing foods - Carrot
Carrots, which enable the partners to be strong during sexual intercourse, offer a solution to the problem of premature ejaculation especially of men. It reduces fatigue in daily consumption .

4. Nuts

Foods that reduce stress - nuts
Magnesium strengthens your nervous system, thus reducing your stress. That's why experts recommend you to eat nuts that are rich in magnesium .

5. Honey and Radish Seed Mix

Mix 200 gr. honey  and 100 g. of beaten radish seedsThis mixture morning and evening, including a day to consume 2 times . It will prevent premature ejaculation.

6. Wild Hyacinth Tea

Wild Hyacinth (Hyacinthoides... © Anne Burgess cc-by-sa/2.0 ...
Boil 6-7 leaves of wild hyacinth plant in 250 ml of water for 1-2 minutes and then cool. Drink it after it cools down. This tea will relax you and prevent you from ejaculating early.

7. Clove Tea

discharges early-to-plant-cozum.jpg

Carnation tea, which is among the types of plants that eliminate premature ejaculation , is consumed differently in men and women, according to experts. If the man wants to avoid premature ejaculation, he should drink clove tea 2 hours before sexual intercourse and 1 hour before the woman.

8. Ginger

8 Different Types of Ginger - Elist10

It is known that specialists who address problems in the field of sexuality recommend Ginger, which prevents premature ejaculation. Take care not to overuse it.

9. Cinnamon

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Cinnamon, which benefits the human body in many areas, is among the plants that prolong the premature ejaculation time as a sexual problem. It is enough to use 2 spoons of cinnamon, not so much for the foods you will drink or eat.

10. Onion Seed

Swastik Black Kalongi Seeds, Rs 155 /kilogram, Sita Ram Vijay ...

As it is known, onion and onion seeds have a structure that strengthens individuals sexually. Among the most important effects of onion seed is its prevention of premature ejaculation. Crush the onion seeds and put them in a bowl full of water and leave for 2-3 hours. We recommend that you do not do before entering the relationship. You don't want to smell onions.

11. Asparagus

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You can take asparagus, which is one of the natural herbs that eliminate the problem of premature ejaculation, at a daily dose. Asparagus Powder, which is among the methods of preventing premature ejaculation, is also impressive in terms of health. It is a method that works especially for men who experience premature ejaculation.

12. Shrine Tree (Ginkgo Biloba) Tea

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If you experience rapid ejaculation after sexual intercourse, it is the Ginkgo Biloba tea, which is definitely on the list of herbal teas . Drinking this tea 2 times a day will gradually strengthen you sexually.

13. Ginger and Honey Mix Tea

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Honey is very successful in resolving the issue of premature ejaculation. You can find a definitive solution to premature ejaculation with a mixture of ginger and honey. Take care to consume Araklı.


14. Melisa and St. John's Wort Tea

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The simplest methods delaying premature ejaculation are the consumption of Melissa and St. John's Wort Tea. These teas both have a relaxing feature and provide a delay.

15. Black Cumin

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Nigella sativa (black caraway, also known as black cumin, nigella, kalojeera, and kalonji) is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to the Indian Subcontinent and West Asiahe. The use of black seed oil postpones the premature ejaculation before or during sexual intercourse.

16. Okra

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Okra, also known as gumbo or ladies’ fingers, is a warm-season vegetable. It is a good source of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. It contains a sticky juice that people use to thicken sauces. Okra plant is among the plants that prevent premature ejaculation. 

You can add 10 grams of okra powder in a glass of warm milk and mix it with sugar.

17. Besbase

Öğütülmüş Muskat Hintcevizi Besbase 10 G Fiyatları, Özellikleri ve ...

Besbase, which can be consumed alone and also made into paste form with clove seeders, contains foods that prolong sexual intercourse, that is, preventing premature ejaculation.




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